The procedure for recalculating heating fees: regulations, rules for the preparation of an application

The central heating system in most cases is characterized by frequent malfunctions and non-compliance with standards. Then apartment owners can raise the issue of changing the amount of payment. There is a certain procedure that allows you to recalculate the heating fee: a sample application and drawing up rules will allow you to properly execute it.

District Heating Standards

Before you learn how recalculation for heating is done, you need to familiarize yourself with the norms of central heating. Inadequate quality of services provided may cause a change in the amount of payment to the Management Company.

Recalculation of heating services
Recalculation of heating services

The first and necessary condition for normal living in an apartment is maintaining the desired temperature level. Since it is possible to correctly recalculate for heating only after familiarizing yourself with the heat supply standards, you must find the appropriate regulatory document. Currently, it is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. Any discrepancies from the requirements written in it may become the basis for the allocation of heating.

This document defines the following heat supply rules for apartment buildings:

  • Daytime temperature in living rooms. Its minimum value for rooms located in the middle of buildings is early + 18 ° С. For corner rooms, this indicator is higher and should be + 20 ° C;
  • Temperature at night in living rooms. It can be three degrees below the daily norm;
  • Outdoor temperature reduction to -30 ° С. During this period, heating rates increase from + 18 ° С to + 20 ° С and from + 20 ° С to + 22 ° С, respectively. This may be one of the factors how to achieve a recalculation for heating;
  • Total time without heating for a month. According to the regulations for this period, the absence of heat supply for a period not exceeding 24 hours in total is allowed. However, the fact of disconnection should be recorded. Otherwise, it will be impossible to recalculate for poor-quality heating;
  • Allowable time for a single shutdown. It should not be longer than 16 hours. At the same time, continuous shutdown is allowed only if the outdoor temperature has not dropped below -12 ° C.

Failure to comply with these indicators is the basis for the requirement to recalculate utility bills for heating. But for this it is necessary to correctly draw up an application and attach the necessary supporting documents.

If there are several risers in the apartment and one of them does not work, recalculation for the lack of heating is not performed while the desired temperature level is maintained. Therefore, a partial stop of the heat supply during the heating period is possible.

When can I recalculate the heating fee?

An application for the recalculation of heating fees can be written on the basis of decree No. 307 of 05.23.2006. It identifies situations where a company providing central heating services may require a change in the amount of payment. Therefore, before writing an application for recalculation of heating, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with this document in detail.

Heating recalculation receipt
Heating recalculation receipt

Its main provisions determine the procedure for performing this procedure and the list of necessary actions. Often, housing and communal services workers do not know the contents of this document and refuse to recalculate for heating.

In the event of a similar situation, you can contact a higher authority or the Consumer Rights Protection Society. It is noteworthy that the sample application for the recalculation of heating fees can be filled out not only in case of interruptions in the heat supply. There are a number of other situations when you can reduce the amount of payment for housing and communal services.

Writing an application for the recalculation of heating fees is possible in the event of the following situations:

  • Failure of one or more radiators. In this case, the heat transfer of the system decreases and thereby the quality of the service deteriorates;
  • Subsidy Processing. If after this comes cavitation with the previous amounts - it is necessary to correctly recalculate for heating. For this, a statement is prepared with copies of documents on the stipulated subsidy;
  • Low quality of services. These include deviations from the norms that were described above. However, you need to choose the right basis for the allocation of heating, as a number of controversial issues are possible.

It is important that upon the occurrence of one of these situations supporting documents are issued. Only then will the heating allocation formula be applied. If interruptions in the heat supply occurred due to a breakdown, an act must be drawn up, a copy of which must be kept by the owner of the apartment. To determine the undesired degree of heating of radiators, a commission from the housing department or the UK should be called. They will use the equipment to determine the air temperature in residential premises. During the performance of these actions, it is recommended to verify the actual data with those specified in the act. Based on it, you can recalculate for heating.

Recalculation can be performed only once a year. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you need to carefully prepare, as there will be a lot of paperwork. First of all, you need to determine for yourself the feasibility of its implementation.

Possible reasons for refusal of heating billing

Central heating scheme
Central heating scheme

But the application for recalculating heating will not always be valid. There are a number of circumstances in which a decrease in the amount of money will not be performed. In this case, it is necessary to analyze all possible contentious issues and determine exactly what the law is on the side of the apartment owner.

In what cases is recalculation for heating done and are controversial issues possible? To identify them, you should carefully read the contract for the supply of heat supply services. It clearly defines the rights and obligations of the parties.

The points on poor-quality provision of services and the procedure for compensation are studied without fail. It is there that a clear recalculation mechanism for low-quality heating should be described.

If the representatives of the Housing Office refuse to acknowledge the fact of non-compliance with the contract - this may cause a trial.

It is difficult or almost impossible to achieve a recalculation for heating in the following cases:

  • Large heat loss in the apartment. They can be due to the poor quality of window or door structures, the absence of an insulating layer on the walls. But along with this, the heat dissipation of heating devices should be at the required level;
  • Riser air jams. This is also a controversial issue regarding recalculation for lack of heating. To remove air jams from the one-pipe system, representatives of the Housing Office need to provide access to the apartment where they are located. This is not always possible;
  • Reducing heat dissipation in radiators. This is also a controversial issue regarding the recalculation of utility bills for heating. Nominally, the state of the heating devices should be monitored by the employees of the housing office. But they can say that the owner was not at home in due time. Often a compromise is found by temporarily installing flushing taps.

If interruptions in the operation of heating are caused by these circumstances, it is not recommended to seek recalculation for heat supply.As a result, the amount of payment will remain the same. In this case, the owner of the apartment will lose his time and may be part of the funds for the examination.

The reason for the refusal to recalculate for heating should not be at variance with applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, in the case of a wrong decision, it is necessary to conduct a retrial, but at a different, higher level.

Rules for filling out an application for recalculation for heating

Before drawing up an application for recalculation of the heat supply fee, one should attest to the fact of poor quality provision of this service. In this case, the confirming document is an act that may be drawn up by representatives of the Housing Office or the Management Company.

Example of a recalculation application form
Example of a recalculation application form

An alternative option is to attract 2 neighbors, the chairman of the council at home or a senior on the porch. Subject to these conditions, an act drawn up may be attached to a written application for recalculation of heat supply. The document must specify the exact address, characteristics of the room and the current temperature. The main difficulty is the level of the devices used - they must undergo mandatory verification. This fact is indicated in the act, which serves as the basis for recalculation for low-quality heat supply.

The following items should be included in the standard application for recalculation of heating charges:

  • Correctly filled "cap". It indicates to whom the application is being arrested and from whom;
  • Reason for revising heating bill. Most often this is non-compliance with the temperature regime. Be sure to register the exact time and date when the deviation was recorded. Otherwise, there will be no recalculation for heating;
  • Allocation Requirements. Indicate the period for which you want to change the amount of payment;
  • Possible consequences of failure. In this paragraph, it can be mentioned that according to the legislation for each day of a poorly provided service a penalty is assumed in the amount of three percent of its cost;
  • List of attached documents. The main basis for recalculation of heat supply is an act drawn up in advance. It is important that it be written correctly and without inaccuracies.

The last item is most important than filling out a sample application for recalculation of heat supply charges. The technical component of the issue is crucial. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with the Housing Office or the Management Company in advance by providing them with a copy of the document.

The decision making time for recalculation for lack of heat supply is 10 working days. In addition to the document, you can make independent calculations. This will give importance to the drafted document and to some extent will serve as a reconciliation in making the final decision.

When applying for recalculation of utility bills for heat supply, you need to require a copy, but with a “wet” stamp of the organization. It is also necessary to find out the incoming number when registering the application.

Example of allocation of heating services

The key point if you want to change the amount of payment for heat supply are independent calculations. At present, there is no general formula for recalculating for heating, since the reasons for initiating this process can be different - from low temperatures in radiators to a complete shutdown of heat supply.

Heat metering devices in the apartment
Heat metering devices in the apartment

If heat meters are installed in the apartment, then the failure to recalculate for heating can be argued that the client pays only for the actual heat. This position is fundamentally wrong.

Indeed, in addition to this, there are heat supply standards that must be strictly observed. Therefore, if the heat loss in the apartment does not exceed the required indicator, it is possible to make an independent calculation based on the act drawn up.

Its implementation consists of the following actions.

  1. Calculation of the difference between the normalized and actual temperature in the apartment at night and daytime.
  2. The time during which a violation of the rules of heat supply was recorded. Indicated in hours.
  3. The size of the laid monthly fee.
  4. Calculation of the allocation amount. For each hour of deviations, the amount of the monthly fee can be reduced by 0.15% for each degree. In fact, it is necessary to multiply the monthly payment by 0.15% by the number of deviation from the norm and its value (degrees). This is done separately for daytime and nighttime.

Thus, you can independently calculate the amount of compensation for the deterioration of housing conditions. It is important that this is extremely accurate, that all documents are available to confirm the decrease in room temperature.

In the video footage, an example of calculating heating bills with full calculations:


