The effect of air conditioning on humans: harm, benefits and their dangers

Many people who have just installed their air conditioning and tried to enjoy the coolness, after a couple of days felt unwell in the form of watery eyes, a runny nose, sore throat, muscle pain and even inflammation of the meninges. These are not fictitious stories - bacterial meningitis can be obtained with improper use of climate technology.

The benefits and harms of the air conditioner

The air conditioner takes warm air from the room, cools it and delivers it back

In an air-conditioned room, breathing is much easier than on the street. Although there is much more oxygen outside. The first secret is dry air, from which oxygen is more easily absorbed by the respiratory system. Cold air is denser, which means that the concentration of oxygen in it rises. But at the same time, the concentration of harmful gases increases.

Harmful climate technology:

  • The illusion of ventilation. According to manufacturers' advertisements, air conditioners make indoor air clean and fresh. The consumer creates a false sensation of air flow from the street. This is not true. Only very expensive models are equipped with a function of mixing fresh air. Their installation is somewhat different from the usual.
  • Air conditioners dry the air. Their effect on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and throat is very negative. Local immunity decreases, the risk of inflammatory processes increases. Skin aging accelerates.
  • Headache. When the air conditioner is operating, the windows and doors to the room are closed. The same air is driven in a circle along with carbon dioxide, germs and fumes. From a lack of oxygen the head can become ill. In some people, the nervous system reacts in this way to the noise of the air conditioner.
  • Colds. Streams of cold air directed at a person provoke colds and hypothermia.

The benefit of air conditioners is the comfort that consumers receive in the unbearable heat. Other useful properties:

  • A quick and economical way to warm the room in the off-season.
  • If the air conditioner is equipped with a function of mixing fresh air, a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the room.
  • Equipped with high-quality filters, air conditioners clean the air of dust, pollen, spores of fungi, bacteria, unpleasant odors.
  • Ionization, provided in expensive models, improves well-being, increases the tone of the body, reduces the amount of dust in the air.

The dangers and benefits of air conditioning balance each other out. Knowing why air conditioning is dangerous, you can learn how to operate it correctly.

Proper use of air conditioning

To reduce the risk and prevent the possible consequences of hypothermia, you must first turn on the device at higher temperatures so that the difference is minimal. If the street is +30 degrees, the room should be at least 25.

If the office workplace is located directly under the indoor unit, you need to require the installation of a protective screen. He draws cold air and directs it toward the ceiling. Next, cold flows are replaced by warm ones, because the heat is higher and the cold air tends to go down. Thus, more uniform cooling occurs, which is not so sharply felt.

A feature of a budget air conditioner is the cooling and purification of the same air, so you should sometimes open windows to ventilate the room to avoid over-saturation of the body with carbon dioxide. You can ventilate the room before turning on the split system.

For disinfection, special solutions are used that clean the internal filters from bacteria and fungal spores.The removable filter should be washed once a month using ordinary detergents.

To ensure that the effect of cold air is not so obvious, you should wear clothes made from natural fabrics - they better absorb moisture and protect from drafts created by the equipment.

Climate-related diseases

People with a weak immune system are not recommended to be under the internal block. There is a danger of getting the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the lymph nodes. You can determine your problem by probing the axillary, submandibular, inguinal and popliteal areas. If pain and swelling are felt, then the infection in the body began to multiply actively. Further, an increase in temperature is possible. Urgently take measures and ask for a place away from the air conditioner.
  2. Pneumonia (pneumonia). Frequent temperature changes are stress for the body. A good immune system can cope with this problem, but a weak body begins to hurt. The danger of pneumonia is that it can be asymptomatic and fatal. Symptoms are similar to colds, but the temperature can rise up to 40 degrees in a short period of time. The only effective remedy is antibiotics and bed rest. People with adenoids and glands are removed more quickly, since they have no natural defense, and the inflammatory process penetrates deeper - into the bronchi and lungs.
  3. Allergy. Air conditioning can provoke allergic reactions in people who are prone to them. Most often this happens if you do not clean the filters for a long time, on which dirt and dust particles accumulate.
  4. Dry eye syndrome. It can be aggravated by the intensive operation of the air conditioner near a person who does not produce enough tear fluid. Discomfort appears - a gasp in the gas, redness of the eyelids, pain during blinking. To use eye drops and at the same time be under a working conditioner is useless. It is necessary to change the place and move away from the air currents that evaporate the tear film in the eyes. If air conditioning is complicated by working with a computer - this is a double burden on the organs of vision. It is necessary to use drops constantly.
  5. ARVI - a viral infection. Often manifested with reduced immunity. If a person is forced to move from a cool room to the street, where the temperature is 10 degrees above degrees, sooner or later the body can not stand it. Symptoms of an acute viral infection: runny nose, fever, bone pain, weakness, headache.
  6. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is responsible for the lower extremities. With hypothermia, pain appears in the lower back, legs and buttocks. Most often it hurts on both sides, but more intense on the side where the inflammatory process is stronger. If a person sits for a long time sideways to a working air conditioner, then a complete failure of the limb is possible - severe pain when trying to stand on a sore leg.

The conditioner has a particularly negative effect on weakened elderly people and children whose immunity is in the process of formation. Sudden changes in temperature disrupt the usual rhythm of the body.


