Indoor air conditioning depending on area

Choosing the power of the air conditioner, the area of ​​the room must be taken into account. Affect this indicator and the degree of sunlight, window size, number of people and appliances. If they are not taken into account, indoor air conditioning will not be effective. The action of too weak equipment at maximum loads will not be noticeable, the device will burn out faster. Choosing too powerful a device is also not advisable. The number of on-off cycles increases, which leads to rapid wear of equipment.

Ideally, the choice of air conditioning from the area should be carried out by a specialist. You can try to do this using an online calculator or using such formulas.

Quick way to calculate

  • Each room has its own air conditioner
    Each room has its own air conditioner

    With ceilings up to three meters, one hundred watts of power should be calculated per square meter of area;

  • Add a hundred watts per person present in the room;
  • Add three hundred watts to each desktop computer;
  • Indoor air conditioning, in which TVs, printers and any other equipment are located, it requires adding 1/2 of the power of each device;
  • If windows often go in or open windows, another 25% of the figure is added;
  • Air conditioning in rooms with south-facing windows or lavishly planted with indoor flowers requires an additional 25%.

More accurate calculation by formulas

Suitable for selecting an air conditioner from the area of ​​a small room: a living room or an office of not more than 70 square meters, located in houses with warm walls.

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3,

Here Q - the required power of the air conditioner in kilowatts.

Q1 - multiplying the area of ​​the room by the height of the ceilings and the coefficient (35 W per cubic meter).

The coefficient may be 30 if there is little sunlight in the room, or 40 if the windows face south. When calculating the power of the future air conditioner, the area of ​​the room must be known.

Q2 - the amount of heat generated by people. One adult distinguishes:

  • 0.1 kilowatts while reading or watching TV shows, sleep;
  • 0.13 kilowatts when working on a computer, washing dishes or cleaning an apartment;
  • 0.2 kilowatts for hard work or sports.

Q3 - the amount of heat generated by the equipment.

  • 0.2 kilowatts - TV;
  • 0.3 kilowatts - a desktop computer;
  • The rest of the equipment allocates 30 percent of the maximum power of the device.

To ensure efficient air conditioning in the rooms, it is allowed to select an air conditioner that does not reach 5 percent of the calculated figure or exceeds it by 15 percent.


